Covid-19 Business Continuity
Auto-IT is committed to the health and wellbeing of our people. We are committed to our clients and the communities in which we operate. We value our relationships and assure you that we remain open for business, and are well placed to support you.
To ensure our services are not interrupted, we have invoked our Business Continuity Plan. This means that most of our staff are now working from home, but our offices will also be staffed. Our infrastructure will ensure that these changes are seamless to you.
Our phones, email, help desk, remote access and other tools will continue to operate without restriction. All our remote staff continue to have access to their regular work phone number.
Where we have arranged an on-site presence for training or other matters, we will discuss your needs and preferences. We remain available to meet with you on-site where this is appropriate.
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager, our support teams, or call us directly.
Wayne Rushworth – CEO