We’re here to make you look good.

No Platitudes – Just Real Service & Support

The ongoing support component of Dealer Spectrum® is central to its success. We provide ongoing support to customers through a series of comprehensive processes that ensure the best chance of long-term sustained growth and operational efficiency.

These improvements are achieved through the following processes:

  • Updates to Process Maps, Flowcharts and Operational Manuals as and when processes change with builds, patches, 3rd party interfaces or internal changes. Changes are deployed through Dealer Spectrum’s client-only Website.
  • Push Reports and KPI Reports are continually sent and monitored as events occur.
  • Dealer Spectrum consultants provide monthly reviews of activities against processes and provide suggestions for continual improvement and training if required.


 Phone (bus. hrs): 03 8320 4518  |  A/hrs: 0419 341 790  |  Email: click here

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